Please journey through our ministry pages and you'll find there's something for everyone. If you'll like to volunteer in any of the ministries below, call us or click the Join Now button. To join a team, you need to have gone through or would need to go through our discipleship training program (Sundays 9.30am - 10.00am). Special classes can also be arranged, including home studies for currently disabled persons.

Women Ministry
Daughters of Positive Influence (DPI) aims to raise women who are strong in the Lord and influential in their various domains. We believe in the ability of DPI to make great impact in the kingdom of God . We welcome women who are yearning for such challenge. With God, nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37).

Men's Ministry
Possibility Assembly Watchmen Fellowship (PAWF) is the men's wing of the church. The increasing need for real men in society who can weather the storm is unquestionable. We believe only God can produce such men. With a track record of successful indoor and outdoor annual camping events over the years, PAWF raises such men by God's grace, while balancing spirituality and practicality in an enjoyable way.

Church Without Walls (CWW)
Find great joy with us on the streets of London as we obey the great commission fortnightly - sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the public with great passion. This is a call no believer should lag in. You are welcome to join us every other Saturday at 2pm - 3.30 pm. (Matthew 28:19).

Children's Ministry
Sunday School, arts and crafts, extra lessons, educative games, mention it. Everything that contributes towards giving a child a good start in grace and in preparation for Christ's return. If you have a passion or calling towards volunteering in this team, we're happy to train and support you.

Youth Ministry
Our youth ministry incorporates the teenage ministry and focuses on reaching young people with the good news of salvation using apparatuses familiar with them. Exciting and yet uncompromising programs characterise this team. Got a passion, leading or calling for this ministry, call or click/tap the join now button.

Faith Clinic & Pastoral Support
Pastoral support, counselling, special prayers and deliverance ministrations are readily available and by appointment, Call 07958481149 or 07968459752 or 02087768295. You can also book an appointment online by clicking the button below.

Effective Pastors and Leadership Summit (EPLS)
Nurturing visions, Bridging Gaps - EPLS brings together ministers of the gospel for nurturing and development. EPLS encourages ministers to serve in rural towns and villages by offering ministry and family support to such ministers. It also publishes discipleship training manuals for churches and evangelists for the development of new believers. The main summit hold annually in October, with regional summits for prayerful planning towards the main summit.