Committed believers in frontend service sometimes suffer losses in the backend. The backend is often their private lives and marriages. The couples fellowship of PAGM exist to strengthen couples spiritually and enrich their backend with exciting activities and fun - the Christian way, lacking nothing (James 1:4).
The vision of the couples fellowship of PAGM is the empowerment of married disciples for great and balanced marriages and exciting homes. By married disciples, we simply mean PAGM members who are married.
We achieve this by:
Holding quarterly meetings to:
Discuss biblical topics as they affect couples
Discuss contemporary topics to help bring couples up to date
Pray together
Socialise together
Create an atmosphere for sharing, caring and learning from others' experience
Holding annual retreats to:
Experience FGT (our Family Get-Together) outreach program
Spend quality time together at a resort for three days during the FGT getaway
Rich plenary sessions, to expose participants to knowledge and practical experience from renown marriage speakers
All the private counselling, help, support and prayers you need, proximal to you.
Alongside these are numerous amusement features and activities for the children daily
Exclusive time with your spouse in a different and healthy environment designed to foster marriage and family.
Supporting & Celebrating one another
To promote love - the fundamental ingredient of disciples (John 13:35)
To promote unity - that they may be one (John 17:21)
For whom is the couples' fellowship?:

The couples' fellowship is for every member of PAGM who is married, regardless of their current situation. So for example, if you are separated, you are still a member of the couples fellowship, and should attend the couple meetings. All married disciples are encouraged to attend couples meetings in their own interest and that of their families. We only consider you single, if you are officially divorced. Widows and widowers are always welcome to attend as special guests.

The dates for the quarterly meetings are published on the PAGM calendar. Always look out for it, and listen to or read the announcements for additional details.
A typical 2 hr meeting agenda:
Opening prayer
Songs of praise & worship
Welcome message
Riddles, Jokes & Snacks
Topical discussion & Q&A
AOB (FGT planning, finance, etc)
Closing prayers
Main Refreshments
Pray for the fellowship
Pray for other couples
Support the programs of the Possibility Assembly Couples' Fellowship (PACF)
Invite other couples to the FGT getaway
For more information, you can contact the current coordinator: Deacon and Mrs Oluwaniyi (07984126704).
It is our prayer, that PAGM marriages and families will continue to be strong and triumphant in Jesus' Name (amen).